USB Share Switch V1.21 Installation Guide
LINDY Part No. 32872
(1) How to install the USB Share Switch ?
Installation under Windows 98
(1.1) How to install the USB Share Switch on Windows 98 using "USB Printer"?
(a) If you want to use the automatic printer switching function, you may refer
(2) to install your printer first, otherwise, go to (b).
(b) Simply connecting the USB Share Switch with PC, the "Add New Hardware
Wizard" appears. Insert the "USB Share Switch Installation Diskette"
and follow the instruction to complete the installation procedure.
****** Plug the "USB Printer" in the USB Share Switch port now. *****
(c) Left click the "USB Share Switch" ICON on the ICON tray. The Windows
system will continue HUB PnP operation then the "USB Printer" PnP operation.
(d) At the end of the installation, A "Select Printer To Switch" dialog will
appears. If you want to use the automatic switching function, select the
supported printer option, otherwise, you may select "Do Not Use Any Printer".
(e) Reboot the PC now.
(f) If a new printer ICON occurs, be sure to disable the Icon’s "Status Monitor"
(1.2) How to install the USB Share Switch on Windows 98 using "IEEE 1284 Printer"?
(a) If you want to use the automatic printer switching function, you may refer
(2) to install your printer first, otherwise, go to (b).
(b) Simply connecting the USB Share Switch with PC, the "Add New Hardware
Wizard" appears. Insert the "USB Share Switch Installation Diskette"
and follow the instruction to complete the installation procedure.
(c) Left click the "USB Share Switch" ICON on the ICON tray. The Windows
system will continue HUB PnP operation then the IEEE 1284 PnP operation,
the Windows system will prompt another dialog. Simply following the instruction
to complete the installation procedure.
(d) At the end of the installation, A "Select Printer To Switch" dialog will
appears. If you want to use the automatic switching function, select the
"IEEE 1284 Printer Series", otherwise, you may select "Do Not Use Any Printer".
**** Shutdown the PC then plug in the IEEE 1284 printer and turn on the PC now *****
(e) Left click the "USB Share Switch" ICON on the ICON tray. The IEEE 1284
printer PnP operation will come up again. After PnP operation you need
check the printer ICON folder:
(1) If a new printer ICON appears,
(e) Reboot the PC now.
(f) If a new printer ICON occurs, be sure to set it to default and disable the Icon’s
"Status Monitor" again.
Automatic USB Printer Switching
The USB Share Switch supports 1 automatic switching printer. To use the printer
switching function, following the guideline as below:
(2) "Automatic USB Printer Switching" Installation Guide
(a) Following printer's handbook to install your printer first.
(b) If your printer driver supports status monitor, "DISABLE" it now.
(3) How to uninstall the "USB Share Switch" ?
To un-install USB Share Switch driver, simply click <Control Panel> =>
<Add/Remove Programs> => select the "USB Share Switch" option
to remove the USB Share Switch. Be sure to reboot the Windows system
to make the un-installation complete.
(4) How to uninstall the "Windows 98 USB Printing System" ?
If the USB Share Switch support IEEE 1284 port, the Windows system
will install the "Windows 98 USB Printing System" software during
To un-install Windows 98 USB Printing System, simply click <Control Panel>
=> <Add/Remove Programs> => select the "Windows 98 USB Printing System"
option to remove the IEEE 1284 Port Driver. Be sure to reboot the Windows
system to make the un-installation complete.
Not: This may happen on Windows 98, ME only
Questions & Answers
What to do if Windows system tells me "install printer driver fail" ?
(a) Click <Start> => <Setting> => <Control Panel> => <System> =>
"Device Manager"
(b) Find the "printer name" list somewhere, and delete it.
(c) Reboot the system, the PNP operation will be activated again.
Q&A 1:
How can I add a new printer if USB Share Switch is running already ?
You may uninstall the "USB Share Switch", then reboot the Windows system.
Following the Step (2) to use the new printer.
Q&A 2:
Does the Share Switch support Printer's "Status Monitor" function ?
Almost every USB Printer support Status Monitor function, but it is not
part of Microsoft Standard USB printer function. So the Share Switch
DO NOT support the "Status Monitor" function. Some printer, ex, Canon
printer, Epson printer(EPL-5700l or others), enable the Status Monitor
function will cause internal problem. It is suggested to "NEVER ENABLE" the
Status Monitor function.
Q&A 3:
How to disable "Status Monitor" function ?
Not all printer support Enable/Disable "Status Monitor". If you want
to disable the "Status Monitor". Please reference the printer's Hand Book.
Q&A 4:
Are the Share Switch automatic printing function support the "Lexmark"
No, the Lexmark using a NON-STANDARD printing solution. The Share Switch
support only the printer using Microsoft standard printing solution.
Q&A 5:
Are the Share Switch supports "USB to IEEE 1284" convert cable ?
Yes, the Share Switch support "USB to IEEE 1284" convert cable if the
cable defined as standard USB printer class, e.g. Lucent U2P cable.
Q&A 6:
How to uninstall printer if "USB Share Switch" Device is under running ?
If you want to uninstall the printer, you have to uninstall the "USB
Share Switch" first. Reboot the Windows's system then following the
printers uninstall guide.
Q&A 7:
What if my HP USB Printer cannot work while using "Automatic USB Printer
Switching" function ?
Make sure the following settings are correct:
(1) "Disable" Status Monitor:
Following the printer's handbook
(2) "Disable" Duplex:
(a) For W2K
Right click the printer ICON => <Properties> => "Ports" => "Port Settings"
=> Un-Select "Enable Duplex" => <OK>
(b) For 98, ME
Right click the printer ICON => <Properties> => "Details" => "Port Settings"
=> Un-Select "Enable Duplex" => <OK>
Q&A 1:
What if my Epson USB Printer cannot work while using "Automatic USB Printer
Switching" function ?
Make sure the following settings are correct:
(1) "Disable" Status Monitor : following the printer's handbook
(2) "Enable" Duplex:
(a) For W2K
Right click the printer ICON => <Properties> => "Ports" => "Port Settings"
=> Select "Enable Duplex" => <OK>
(b) For 98, ME
Right click the printer ICON => <Properties> => "Details" => "Port Settings"
=> Select "Enable Duplex" => <OK>
(3) "Enable" the bi-directional support:
(a) For W2K
Right click the printer ICON => <Properties> => "Ports" =>
Select "Enable bi-directional support" => <Apply> => <OK>
(b) For 98, ME
Right click the printer ICON => <Properties> => "Details" => "Spool Settings" =>
Select "Enable bi-directional support for this printer" => <Apply> => <OK>
Q&A 1:
While using Windows 2000, it always display a "Unsafe remove device" dialogue box
after printing a job. What is the problem ?
Method 1:
It's the design issue of older Windows2K version. Not every printer will display
such message box. it is suggest that you download the newest printer driver from
printer provider's Web Site, if the printer supplier update the driver.
Method 2:
Try to use the newest Windows2K version.
Q&A 1:
What to do if "Missing USB Share Switch ICON" appears ?
It is suggested that you following the procedure as described below:
(1) Un-plug the "USB Share Switch" and re-plug again. Windows system will
reload driver again. If it still fails, go to procedure (2).
(2) Re-start the Windows system.
Q&A 2:
When I plug in the printer to different USB Share Switch Port, it come out
different ICON in the Printer's folder. Which one should I use ?
In Microsoft Windows, it's correct to have different ICON for the same printer
plugging in different USB Port. This may always happen on Windows 2K. Normally,
at the last time, the ICON appear in the printer folder will be the correct
USBMON.DLL, USBPRINT.SYS is Copyright from Microsoft Corporation
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